Friday, 22 October 2010

Tower 42, Filming Day 3

I filmed at the top of Tower 42 today and the view is breathtaking! Not sounding too melo-drematic when I say this, but I was so high up, I really did feel oxygen leave my lungs and my ears popped - literally! That's what you get for going so high up and that's what you get when you're as excited as I am.

My next venture after Tower 42, was Piccadilly Circus, to do some VOX pops with people on their opinion of the aesthetics of London.  I heard some some detailed and valuable answers, but those some were few and quite far between.  The feeling I went away with afterwards, was that the VOX pop questions needed another treatment because the wording was a little recondite; it was even difficult to understand to intellectual city workers who I interviewed.  So I'm attending to the questions as I type.  The answers I received were not as I was expecting, so I'm evaluating the questions and reading them over to make sure that they make sense.  I won't do much reading right now as I'm going to go to bed.  I'd like an early start tomorrow.

Update on the VOX Pops:

The revised questions for the VOX Pops, which were still not concise, judging from the type of answers I received.

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